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by unni krishnan nair on Aug 01, 2007 06:27 PM

Who wants Col.Vasant or Thimmiah? They are just two other soldiers. They dont bring in votes. Then why should they get the limelight when the new found international celbrity Dr.Haneef is making so much news. After all soldiers die quite often. But who will get such a fine opportunity to show ones concern for a person belonging to the minority community wronged by an alien Govt.

And when you know there are no prospects of winning votes why should leaders go behind them.

Otherwise the MEA, PMO and the PM also would have found it difficult to even sleep. You cant blame them for that.

There was another case a couple of months ago of a poorman working in Afghanistan, I think Subramanian was his name. He was not even remotely connected with terrorism. He was infact kept as an hostage by Talibani terrorists. We neither saw this hyperactivity in the MEA nor the PM lose his sleep. I think the poor chap was murdered. Nobody bothered.
Why? Because he was Subramanian. Because they were Vasant and Thimmiah. AND not Haneef.

My condolence to the family of the soldiers.

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The above message is part of the Discussion Board:
Bangalore: Two soldiers cremated