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RE:Islam Most Mis Understood Religion
by firefly on Apr 30, 2007 09:32 PM

Speculations arise about ISLAM..when people here on this board talk about supporting Suicide Bombing, Killing people.

Does Islam Teach:
Kill people when...someone asks about Islam?
Kill people when...someone opposes Islam?
Kill people when...someone wants a healthy debate.
Kill people when...someone wants to live in peace.
Kill people when...they are enjoying too much.
Kill people when...someone worships/respects cows and animals.
Kill people when...talks of liberation.

WOW.....would any muslim survive a 500year even if the whole world is islamic?

A religion that spreads terror cannot sustain the wrath of its own hatred filled feelings.

Yes and to ANSWER your fastest spreadind notion about your eligion is:

1) FORCED CONVERSIONS..not real acceptance
2) NO control on devil intensions..multiply
like worms.
3) Dont care for women.5/6/7kids form one woman
4) EASY access of money for poor through
terrosim..thus leading to conditional
5) ALLAH knows the truth and numbers YOU people
have massacred in the name of Religion.
6) Whether u call it reverts, the FACT remains
7) Killed all other religion
definitely yuor numbers will rise

Your religion has been turned into a Demons den

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