My dear friend it isnt just HINDUS, Christians who are blaming ISlam...the whole world is blaming...
Just to see why????...see how some stupid muslims are spreading violence in the name of ALLAH on this message board itself.
ISLAM is most misunderstood bcoz 1) NO one follows it. 2) They kill people in name of Islam 3) Allsh never told to force religion, muslims did force disobeying HIS orders. 4) Islam presently as we see doesnt spare even innocent kids. 5) No GOOD HUMAN BEING following islam is standing against Terrorism..instead they are trying to impose SHARIA LAW in others coutries.
If a cat challenges the dignity of a mouse again and again...even he will pounce on the cat and kill it.
Hospitality and humbleness doesnt mean the world is dumb.