It is a very unfortunate thing that many of the hindus are blaming islam for everything. The thing here to be noted that those people who are saying the most indecent of the words against islam are more ignorant than anybody else. Hitler killed 6 million jews and that doesnt in anyway right to blame Christianity. So there is no justification to blame Islam for some of the acts comitted by muslims.
The word Terrorism has been misinterpretd and most misunderstood word of this century. Instead of looking at the root cause of the problem there are more killings against killings and yet terrorism doesnt stop. Terrorism is nothing but the injustice done to the people by the politicians, by the Government and various attrocities done against any person. When the britishers ruled india and when the Indians where figthing for india's independene, the indians where terrorists in the eyes of the british, and for us indians the freedom fighters where patriots fighting for thier right. For the Indians the britishers where terrorists who had no right to rule the country. So it depends on which party you would support to define terrorism. If you agree with the britishers view than you should agree that they had the right to rule india and hence call indians the terrorist, if you agree with the indians you have to agree that the britishers came to india to just do business and they had no legal right to rule india.
Out of all this i am seeing that instead of goeing to root causes of any problem many are just blindly following the media of its anti- islamic propogation and false propoganda. This has made it happen only after George Bush came to power. His anti Islamic stance is a very well known fact. The propoganda which he started against muslims after the sepetember 11 atack has surprised many muslims and this false mentality has spread all over the world. Thanks to the media for its support in doeing it.
Whatever anti-Islamic stance anyone take against islam, Islam will flourish and it will have more and more followers every year. This we can come to know with the latest facts and figures where Islam is no1 wor the fastest growing religion in the world. When any non muslims accepts Islam we do not call him converts, but reverts.
Muslims can trust nobody but Allah and Allah alone is the witness. The truth is out there 'The Holy Quran' and it is upto the people to seek the truth or reject it. Allah has given this Quran not only for the muslims but for the whole of Humanity. So read it and than make a judegement about Islam.