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AFZAL - should be released...yes
by firefly on Apr 30, 2007 11:21 PM

Yes people like AFZAL should be released and kept with the families of people like PLAY, only then will thwey realise the meaning of not punishing a demon.

YOU muslims kill people who do IDOL worship...and ask forgivance for a mass murderer.

You urself worship Mohameds hand imprints a black boxa and a place. wow.

See ur double standard religion and then blame others.

Show me one person who actually followed ALLAH?
Even MOhamed married 16 wives even when he himself was a pauper.Against the rules.

He heard form ALLAh and was the first who broke the rules. What else can we expect others to absorb from.

In the 7th century when Moh. met RAJA BHOJ in Sindh, he told raja bhoj that he would build a new religion that would massacre millions of idol worshippers. He further said he would change the course the worshipping the ONE and spread his religion by force and violence.
Furhter he said his people would never shave beards and always eat meat and worship ALLAH.

All the idols at Mecca were demolished, pundits killed. Then the five pirs spread his message..but still worshipped the SHIVLING at mecca.

Seeing the torment SHIVA appeared before them ...being resolent he blessed them with srpreading ISLAM. But the people spread violence instead. So HE appeared again and cursed them saying that HE will vanish the whole community in a thousand years if the violence increased, and disappeared.

Now we see its nearing 1000 years...and its in the scripts that SHIVA is coming in HIS purest form to create pralaya or resurrection.

Just wait to see these babraric hordes vanish from earth.

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Afzal withdraws petition