The number of messages in this board proves that there are some people who are least interested in regular gossip of ash-abhi or shilpa-gere and are truly concerned about the extinction of the most beautiful cat in the forest which is unfortunately and shamefully even our national animal. It's natural that animals kill other animals for prey but we humans kill humans for money, grudge, power and many more reasons and we don't even spare the marvelous gift of nature. we intrude their region, poach them for money, hunt them for fun, kill them for a feast. We read news about these kind of issues, get fumed up and being helpless curse the politicians, government and the system. We definitely want to aid and support for a good cause but do not know where to start and how to start. We tend to get upset with these issues for some time but again get back to our mechanical life and divert our mind to any other fresh issue tomorrow morning. We are talking about poaching in forests but an incident that occurred a few years ago will give you a picture of the worst and absurd situation that is prevailing in safeguarding these wild, yet helpless animals. It is in the nehru zoological park of Hyderabad that a tiger cub named saaki has been skinned alive by a local rowdy sheeter. Imagine the agony of the animal which is the king of the jungle and a terror to all the other animals in the forest when its skin has been craped alive. Still tears roll in my eyes when this incident comes into my mind, not mind but my heart. The rowdy sheeter was caught a couple of years back but the case is still pending. I strongly feel that as a single person im helpless and cannot contribute towards the betterment of conservation of wildlife but as a group definitely we all can make a difference so i appeal all the fellow boarders and all the people who are genuinely interested in conserving the wild life to come forward and do something needful and useful. We can start off with creating a group in any portal(website) and systematically plan something positive and beneficial. I think the regular idea of bribery to get the work done in a govt organization should work even in this scenario. We can pool up a minimum amount every month and bribe the forest officials to do their work properly and efficiently that is to protect the forest. People are requested to come up with solutions for the problem on a common platform. let us give our education and civilization a sense of satisfaction and prove that we are not very selfish and care for the society too which becomes meaningless if the natural resources are damaged at this pace and threaten a serious biological and ecological effect to the coming generations. I hope this long message of mine will make a difference at least in one mind. Hoping for a positive change My deep condolences for "saaki" Sampath