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kashmir is bleeding pakistan
by VENURAJA gopal Bowenpalle on Apr 28, 2007 11:55 AM

Kashmir is bleeding the Pakistan and not India.
If I were a Pakistan prime minister I would immediately find a solution to this problem very peacefully with India so that the Pak army would not have a hand in it. It is like keeping the army where it belongs to.
It is for the Paklistan army,by the Pakistan army,to the Pakistan army that Pakistan lives !!
What a tragedy , in 60 years time , Pakistan could not find its roots in democracy. It was born on the basis of religion and is still depending on its army for food !!? It should have been the otherway round.
Pakistan is simply bank rolling the terrorists and you have to bank roll them to keep them,and motivate them to kill people.
There are many foreign powers who are interested in destabilizing India so that their imperialism would spread in Asia without a very powerful democratic country as a barrier. And Pakistan play in to their hands just for food.
Otherwise it could have already become another Afganistan where people are cutting grass and boiling them and eating it is every day reality.
Pakistan already occuipied 2/3 of Kashmir. The rest of it , Pak wanted through UNO. It was decided for a plebicite to decide the fate of kashmir valley. After Sheik Abdullah compaigned for India on this issue ,Pak knew that it would not win the plebicite. And immediately it had withdrawn its demand for plebicite. It now tries to gain by the handiwork of terrorists !!
What a shame !
The state of Jammu and Kahmir have Hindus in Jammu (40%), In Ladhak, Buddists are in majority.
So what is left is only a Kashmir valley. If you think that if we give away Kashmir valley on a platter ,Pakistan would be happy and will not kill people , you are living in fool's paradise. What Pakistan wants is disintegration of India ,completely.
First Pakistan should learn to hold itself. Sooner or later Pakistan would sure to become another Afganistan. It's foreign exchange reserves is in precarious situation. It is completely dependant on American aid. It is now economically propped by US.
So what we want then ?
India want a democratic Pakistan to co-exist with us with a unified currency along with Mynmar (Burma) as well. We all of us together can be very stong on the world stage. We want Pakistan to exist. We do not want its disintegration. Any right minded person will tell you that a democratic Pakistan is far better than no Pakistan at all from the India's context. A poor pakistan , a replica of Afganistan is a problem for India. We do not Osama Bin ladden like terroris leaders striking at our buildings where civilians live.
We do not drug cartels to dictate terms to politicians. What all we want is democratic Pakistan and everybody knows that Kashmir issue would be automatically solved.

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