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Will ever India and Pak unite??
by Freek Guy on Apr 27, 2007 05:37 PM

Whatever, There is bound to be conflicts among human beings. everybody follows their own path, now when two communities different by any means, religion or thoughts, stay together, there is bound to be a conflict and when the conflict arises to a point they cannot survive together, there is bound to be a split. That was the natural course taken for the India - Pak split. The only difference here was normally after the split, the brothers live peacefully like the East and West Germans but here they still live in dispute over a piece of land that has become more of a prestige issue than anything else.
Can there be any time in future these nations shall reunite? The two fighting brothers give up their arms and co operate in mutual uplifting and rise in the world...
Yes and definitely. That is when they have a common enemy. The common enemy could be a vicious third country like the US or China or may be natural calamities, poverty, pollution or green house gases effect leading to floods especially in the snowy Pakistan.
That is the time the people at the two sides are going to recognise that the world is laughing at their foolishness of fighting for small things like religion and caste and living separately. Definitely no religion preaches to fight your brother, only interpretations preach that.
Perhaps we are so hapless that such a danger should come to open our eyes. Probably time doesnt run out to the extent of irreversibility by then..

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