Truely speaking it isnt an issue.It is an issue for pakistani leadership for domestic consumption and it is a fact.If there is no kashmir issue then Pak army has to go to barracks and it will lose its say.To stay in power kashmir issue is must.If a elected leader from Pak tries to solve it then he/she is removed by army and this issue becomes prominent because of Pak Army.See examples, Bhutto, Benazir and latest casualty was Nawaz Sharif.Militants and Pak Army have a v strong nexus thru ISI.So no properly elected leader can solve it from Pak.Only some army general can do if he wants harakiri or under US pressure.As far as India is concerned militants are like BHAI as in mumbai.All leaders have arrangements with militants in Indian kashmir.From India's side it is simply a POLITICAL WILL which can do miracles BUT who has it in real sense,just see Mufti inspite of attacks in Kashmir , he says remove army or reduce it , just rediculous and double speak.Why didnt he say NO NO NO to free militants in exchange of his own daughter when she was kidnapped.All ploys and politics.Either militants have threatened him to get rid or army or he is scared that Azad is getting mileage as CM.See this is the character we indians have.I want to mention one more thing as I read in papers,the dalal of Pak and North Korea missile deal was an indian and the deal was finalised in kathmandu.That indian did it against india's interest which tells about patriotism in we indians.This deal is famous by name RICE DEAL.aab kya bolu mein you people decide .