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Kargil Could Have Turned Nuclear?
by Khandu Patel on Apr 28, 2007 06:05 AM

Who are you kidding? I am afraid that the whole exercise in rapproachment in which the Bharat Government has invested so much prestige is completely misguided. On this occassion it is Sardar Mohammad Adbul Qayyum Khan, but in one guise or other Pakistan from its President downwards has harped on this theme that somehow nuclear armagadon would have happened if as in this case America had not brokered a ceasefire for Pakistan to save face. Pakistan's hopes of using its special relationship with America to win American support against Bharat came crashing down. Bharat failed with Vajpayee too weak to withstand American pressure rather than using the opportunity to defeat the Pakistan army once and for all. Pakistan's nuclear arsenal presents a hollow threat to Bharat as it would invite sure and certain of all that is Pakistan. As we have seen with Afzal Guru, even the bravest of Muslims are not keen to go to paradise but would rather linger for the rest of their life in prison, and I dare say Pakistan under pressure would have equally wilted. I see that Pakistan has been going by its old game plan unchanged by keeping Kashmir in tension and turmoil, and the rapproachment has been nothing but a farce. Pakistan may not wish it, but a war undertaken under Bharat's initiative will not be a tame affair.

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Kargil could have turned nuclear