Indians should know that Indira Nehru married Feroz Khan a Muslim printer. Her name should have been Indira Khan, but for political purposes she was "adopted" by M.K.Gandhi and the name Gandhi has been dragged into Indian politics as though she was Mahatma Gandhi's daughter! Her children were half Muslim and half Hindu. Her grandchildren, namely Prianka and Rahul are half Italian, one quarter Hindu and one quarter Muslim. How can this family rule India? What do they have in common with Indians? There are lot of people who do not know the truth and get carried away by the Gandhi name. Nehru was more British than many Britishers. His loyalty was to England. He made a huge mess of India and we are still paying the consequences. Kashmir is an issue only because of Nehru. No Indian from other states can own land there. It is an entity that the rest of India has been subsidizing with rice and sugar being sold for 25 paise a kilo when in the rest of India it cost 3 times that. Kashmiris have always considered themselves out of India and this behaviour was accepted by the politicians so it has exploded in the years as a separatist movement with Muslims eager to join Pakistan who has been infiltrating their people from decades, not just a few years! The same negligence of the Eastern states has enabled the maoist movements to take hold. The central government has neglected the North East letting missionaries and Chinese influence the peole, obviously they do not want to be a part of India, how can we blame them? UP has been indulged by Nehru family and is unmanageable. The level of education is poor, the future is bleak, why? Because they have had political favour always, why study if everything falls into your hands? Of course with globalization those with brains will flourish, which is why the South is flourishing. The North with Bihar, Kashmir,UP, MP etc; will always lag behind, the East will try to break away, how long can India be united if with all these amjor problems we fight between Hindus and Muslims? Voting out Congress can only help us throw the old corrupt politicians and the new batch of Nehru's great grandchildren who want to rule India without an idea of what India, her culture or traditions are. Is this what we want? All educated people will have to strat taking a stand and press fro a better governance. Otherwise we can say goodbye to civilisation and break up into small states and fight between ourselves trying to widen the gap between the people instead of uniting and growing into a world power. Remarks like this by Rahul Gandhi and voting him to any post can only hasten the end.