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Rahul Gandhi grants child's wish
by LAGIDU on Apr 16, 2007 05:10 PM

Amroha (UP), April. 16 (PTI): Seven-year-old Rakesh just wanted to see a helicopter. But the boy, a driver's son, even got a chance to sit in one -- courtesy Rahul Gandhi.

Gandhi, who was wrapping up the fourth leg of his roadshow to campaign for the UP Assembly elections, then sportingly offered to seat Rakesh in the chopper, taking the gathering by surprise.

He picked up the child and handed him over to his security personnel, who then took him to the helicopter and placed him gently in the co-pilot's seat.

Rajendra, a driver employed with a transport agency, and his family, forced to live in an unused godown in this UP town, is treating the experience as a good omen.

"We may not be destined for such privileges, but after my child's experience today, there is no looking back for him. This is a sign...I will ensure that someday he becomes a pilot. I thank Rahul for giving us the courage to dream," said Rajendra.

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