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by suresh kumar on Apr 16, 2007 04:13 PM

Congress misdeeds & failure list is endless.... The reservation issue, failure of nuke deal, Ramdoss open defiance of all rules and interference with Aiims, India%u2019s poor strategy against Pak, poor governance across congress ruled states including Karnataka, keeping low profile on sensitive issues makes me feel that this govt is the worst ever govt. De-freezing of Quttorochi account, oil tokens from Iraq to president of congress, Jharkhand episode, Bihar episode, the list is endless of the misdeeds of congress.Prized portfolios like Home and Power being occupied by sycophants and absolutely no progress being done in these departments. Home department is keen to divide our nation on caste politics. What the hell the PM and Finance minister the great economist are doing? This is the weakest government we never had in the history. Brainless economists? Finance ministry Failure. Foreign policy Failure. Nuke deal Failure Indo pak relation Failure. Home ministry super flop. What for we need this government?

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Did Rahul cross the line on Pak?