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Freedom Fighters and Shameless congress
by bhupinder singh on Apr 16, 2007 07:44 PM

      When British Sarkar asked Shaheed Udham Singh, what is your identity.

R u a bloody Indian ?
R u a Hindu ?
R u a sikhs ?
R u a Muslim ?

he said my name is "Ram Mohammad Singh Azaad". This was the spirit of Freedom Fighters who wanted all people to live like brothers.

Whereas Nehru- Ghazi/Indra Ghazi/Raji Ghazi have split India into so many parts that we will suffer for another 5000 years.

Still we have major airports in the name of Vultures (nehru/Indra/rajiv), and not one single prominent building ,institution named after freedom fighters like Chandrashekhar Azaad, Udham Singh, Netaji Subhash C. BOse?????


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