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Double Standard of Congress Some Classic Examples
by tribhuwan pandey on Apr 16, 2007 07:27 PM

Some Classic Examples are as -
1. Kashmiri Pandits In their own Country are refugee. have ever heard of this in any other country which boasts of Largest/Most stable Democracy.
2. Massacre of one Race only for own political Mielage=1984/op. blue Star has really given Indians more pain than Ghallu Ghara (second Battle of Anglo Sikh War).and only responsible lady was Indira Gandhi who for her own Political Benefit first gave shelter to Bhindarwale and then Demolished Part of HarMandir Sahib which even Abdali could not dare to Do.
3.LTTE - one hand Congress was trying to help tamils In Sri Lanka on another hand it send IPKF to fight our own brothers really only a politicsl maverick can think of this.
4. 1971 War- Congress and now Rahul Is bosating to take calim of 1971 war but what about POW of 1971 war remember that Israel had fought on other nation's ground to liberate its Aeroplane but COngress it is keeping mum since last 36 Years. Shame .
5. Foreign Policy- not a single neighbor is our friend even Nepal. thanks to third rate External affair policy of Nehru and Gandhi.
6. Destabilising other Parties Governmant- right from 1967 to till date last was in 1992 congress has always toppleed Non Congress Led Governments. remember Andhra in 1984-85,Tamilnadu in 1987-88, In 1992 Up/MP/Rajasthan. and this done by a party which boasts of Democracy.
7. Two Set of Code - one for Ordinary Indian and one for Another part 370/370a/b/c; Special permit zone in NE.
really it is high time that we should throw away
thic Congress Inc. in Indian Ocean deep very deep.

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