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Congress is a Sin against the nation: Bycott it
by rohit roy on Apr 16, 2007 05:04 PM

right from beginning this nehru family has destroyed India. Due to them partition happened where Nehru wanted to grab the post selfishly.
He used and threw mahatma Gandhi, Jinnah, Khan Abdul Gafoor Khan.
now today within 2 years everythings price has become doubled, these bloody guys want to introduce reservation blindly tos ecure vote and have started new tension, they promote political terrorists like Sahabuddin and lalu yadav to please minority vote bank on the cost of national securitya dn when a mumbai bomb blast occurs the home ministry has no reply no clue. for past 3 years bombay is continuously facing flood but these guys are unable to do anything. Sameway they are speechless in external affairs.
These guys are unable to check naxal menace and withdraw the CRPF force from sensitive naxal zones to post them in onoing UP poll tos ecure their votes, their MLA at Bangal and nepal border help infiltrators to get evenr ation card in order to increase the vote bank, and their speak and prime minister now have started disobeying the supreme court and president. they play with cosntitution with things like Goa and Jharkhand dissolution and president rule in Bihar.
They have crossed all limits of anarchy and shamelessness and oepnly playing the divide an rule politics to ruin the nation. And we Indian don;t see all this and dying and strugglign slowly and slowly paying for all fun of these congress and their agents. We are divided badly byt hem and we are still unable to see and realsie this. Shame on us. Just say no to congress whereever you are in India.

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