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who is he depriving?
by Girish on Apr 05, 2007 11:15 PM

He has said that the reservation for Xians/Muslims will be within the existing 69% - and is also subject to supreme court judgment where the 69% quota has been challenged. If SC strikes down 69% quota, the Xian/Muslim quota will be part of the 50% overall quota.

So MK is pitting the Xians/ Muslims against the OBC's in TN.

The so called FC's have already suffered the maximum, but this wont add to their sufferings as now OBCs will resent the communal quota and new wars may erupt between them. PMK/ Ramadas will be the first to raise noises that the new communal quota has to be over and above the existing 69%, or it should be scrapped. His vote bank being Vanniyars, he may n ot care much for Xian/Muslim sympathy and he is normally an outspoken person.

As such, the Hindu Munnani in TN draws support mainly from certain OBC groups and now communal clashes may erupt in TN as a result of the new quota fight between Xian/Muslims on the one side and OBC Hindus on the other.

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The above message is part of the Discussion Board:
TN: Quota for Muslims, Christian