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Reservation - a social cause
by Nott on Apr 05, 2007 07:20 PM

These politicians have really depressed and got sheer bad name to Mr B.R Ambdedkar who defined the constitution. The way by which it goes I feel it is not touching/reaching the people who need it. Still we have poor villages/Not much improvements done for the upfliftment of backward classes in remote areas. Had the development was done across the board India would have gone way ahead of many countries by now.
These Use lesse politicians fit for nothing use this Reservation for their vote politics.
Reservation has to be given for those who are socially/economically deprived for centuries because of the caste/relogious practices that were followed in INDIA.
But unfortunately it is not taken in right spirit.
And Now the DMK govt further detiorates the situation.

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