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by G Chamu on Apr 05, 2007 02:07 PM

UNFORTUNATE. In the next 20 or 30 years, if any human being with a religious mark (hindu specific) will find it difficult to enter into any government office or others. in a way the present government is inventing a good tool to force people get converted. may be this is an add-on activity of what the andhra government had done at TIRUPATI by bringing christians. In short, the BJP will just be a lame duck unable to speak or work anywhere though pronouncing to be secular. this is unfair. BEWARE TAMIL HINDUS, BEWARE. Either you vacate your home land or you convert. if you want to be a hindu, then you call yourself as aetheist. (no christian or muslim had ever been aetheist or non-believer of god in tamil nadu). May be the party or its people are getting huge conversion funds from Christian countries and others. very sick and soffowful

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TN: Quota for Muslims, Christian