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Redundant in TN
by Arun Govindan on Apr 06, 2007 12:33 AM

This law is redundant and just another one of gimmick from MK to keep his minority govt running without any threats from PMK and Congress.
Even though I don't know for sure, I have never come across Forward Caste people among Muslims and Christian. Can somebody throw some light on this?
Based on the assumption, Muslims and Christian enjoy the 69% reservation now. By giving a separate one for them MK adds forward caste people among Muslims and Christians into 69% reservation.
Also another doubt I have is, by constitution could any people be given reservation within reservation? That is, the MBC and BC among Muslims and Christian can enjoy both the 5% religion specific reservation 64% caste specific reservation?

I being a FC (soon my caste also will be added into MBC/BC list by one or other vote catching politician!!) wholehearted welcome the idea of reservation. Not for that there would have been a bigger gap between haves and have nots in TN. This reservation is meaningless in Cities as the kids of all castes are competitive. When you consider rural areas, it makes a big difference. Nowadays kids from the so called BC/MBC segment are doing equally well in all SSLC/HSC and degree examinations. Even 10 years back when I did my MSc in Computer Science, including me only three were from Forward caste among 28 in my class. 1st 4 slots in the open competition list were claimed by BC/MBC students.
Reservation in IITs and MITs may make some of them ultra rich. But at school and college level reservations makes them to have a better living standards enjoyed previously by rich and Forward Castes.

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TN: Quota for Muslims, Christian