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RE:Wipro chairman Mr. Azim Premji's comment on reservation:
by MOHAN PB on Apr 05, 2007 05:05 PM

Dear Vijay,
It is unfortunate that you have misunderstood Premji's comments and wrongly linked it with buying land at minimum prices. An investment by an IT or any other profy-making company returns much more to the country by way of taxes on the revenue earned, foriegn exchange inflow etc. the loss made by selling land at a reduced proce is quickly made up. As far as reservations go, nobody denies the need for uplifting the downtrodden. The problem is that all "reservations" are abused both by the politicians as well as the public with the result that those who really need it never get it. this is exactly what Premji means.
Thanks, P.B.Mohan

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