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RE:Tamil Nadu
by santosh on Apr 06, 2007 02:56 AM

Hi Kumar,
This is reply to Kumar Bhargava:

Have you been to TN before? I have lot of friends who are Brahmin and many are woking in TN government jobs. All my friends do not hate TN as you have mentioned.
The so called media hype that Brahmins are sufferring in TN is untrue. These things exist only in Mr.Karunanidhi's mind.
Infact he hates more the other dominant castes such as Vellalars, Thevars, ... etc [I belong to one of the above said caste].
As a person from near his native place [Thiruvarur], I can understand the humiliation he could have faced, because of his back ground [ He is from Musician family]
He does not have guts to show it openly. You can check with any of these caste people.

In our [today's] generation we hardly have any ill-feeling towards Brahmins and vice versa.

Regarding the Reservation, you like it or not it is going to exist. In fact it helped many socially downtrodden people and some are also affected by it.
Rather than opposing reservation, we need to think as a forward caste, what we want and how we can avoid the ill-effects of the reservation.
Brahmins and other FCs have lot of influence in the government to push for actions, as per their recommandations.

This will help create or should I say maintain the cordial relation ship in TN.

I request people from rest of India [outside TN], to understand the social realties in TN and then comment.

As a christian, I think Tamil christians do not need any reservations except that the Dalit christians should be given reservation as per their Hindu counterparts.


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The above message is part of the Discussion Board:
TN: Quota for Muslims, Christian