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RE:Tamil Nadu
by Kumar Bhargava on Apr 06, 2007 02:34 AM

Hi Arun
At the outset, let me tell you that, what happens / happened to SL tamils is inhuman and Tamils (some groups) are equally inhuman too. That said, I pray for both the Tamils and Sinhalese to have a peaceful life soon.
But coming to TN, you statement Brahmins have a work around - a solution by going to other state - is sort of amusing. So, if in Engg, Medical or other institutions or even schools, jobs etc., Tamil speaking Brahmins are eliminated, you suggest they migrate to other states ?. Your words should be music to Dravidian parties and they will nominate you head a Commission. Already, Brahmins are eliminated from most of the State Engineering premier institutes (I am not talking about private colleges), State Govt jobs. What is left of Brahmins in Tamil Nadu are mostly old people. Good for them, most of them learnt Hindi and other languages and are doing well elsewhere.

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The above message is part of the Discussion Board:
TN: Quota for Muslims, Christian