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RE:Tamil Nadu
by Arun Govindan on Apr 06, 2007 01:55 AM

Hello Kumar,

You got a point but that not it. Tamil issue in SL is something similar to Brahmin's in TN. One of my relative who was in Colombo doing business used tell me how much was their dominance whether in business/Govt jobs. In his view this dominance started in British Era. The similarities of Tamils in SL and Brahmin's in TN stops here. Sinhalese couldn't take it after certain point and what they did was not human. Giving more rights to the oppressed is way different from taking the rights from those dominating for no fault of theirs. In TN, the Brahmins still enjoys equal rights as other caste people because of the underlying fact that we are all Indians. However in SL, Tamils were treated as foreigners (may be true in Fiji to some extent) and were oppressed beyond apprehension. Many brahmins could workaround the reservation system in TN by moving to Bombay/Delhi and other parts of the country. This worked better for them as they always learned Hindi which was denied to others by the same MK. But SL Tamils had no such choices and also they are as much Srilankans as their fellow Sinhalese are.
What I really wonder is that given the history of TN Brahmins wouldn't you expect them to be sympathetic to SL Tamil cause? In reality the migrated Brahmins are the ones who are more rhetoric in their offense against SL Tamils. Instead of supporting SL Tamils, what is happening here is what usually happens when yesteryear daughter-in-law harassing the present-day daughter-in-law!

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TN: Quota for Muslims, Christian