Anand Selot, Marraige is not as simple as you think. Here is an interesting anecdote. A scruffy and ugly looking comedian of Tamil cinema who belongs to the same caste of a leading TN political leader once approached him with an alliance proposal for his (comedian's)brother with the urbane, articualte and English-speaking daughter of the politician. Interestingly the daughter was born of a clandestine relationship (later legitimised) the politician had with a lady belonging to a powerful BC sect in the southern district.
So enraged was the politician, he threw the actor out of his home and ordered demolition of the actor's studio! The actor and the politician belonged to the same sect. Yet, the politician did not deem the actor's brother fit to be a good match. Marraige is a very sensitive issue even within one's own community and personal habits, hygiene and other issues do count; can't be wished away! Further to show I am not a casteist, should I allow my women to sleep with an SC/ST man? I can help him overcome his social handicap and treat him with dignity but certainly not forge matrimonial ties. I am curious to know why you have not spoken about Brahmin men marrying SC/ST girls.