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RE:Denounce Caste
by bala sreenivasan on Apr 06, 2007 12:33 PM

Anand Selot, just to prove I believe in equality I need not stand by the road and solicit alliance from SCs & STs for our women or make them available so that they can settle scores for the historic wrongs.
I wonder why you never raised the question whether Brahmin men would be willing to marry women from SC/ST sections and are focussing only on Brahmin women. Once again, you are displaying your spite and venom against a community and not your zest for equality!
My identity comes from my caste and the social customs (sans untouchability and such retrogressive practices), personal habits, hygiene and discipline etc. that go with it. IT does not mean I am going to discriminate or be disdainful of people from other castes. I do not see any dichotomy here.
By being less Brahminical, I am not going to be more egalitarian and certainly not to please a group of misguided people full of contempt for Hindu religion and Brahmins. Is it clear, friend?

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