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RE:All Doom and Gloom???
by kumar on Apr 05, 2007 08:00 PM

Mr Kiran

i dont think what you are saying is right. Every party has good and bad points about it. Some more than others. The dravidian parties in TN has actually done not only for TN but for India. They have brought TN to be one of the states with better socio economic indicators. They have done this without going communist. Secondly, it is because of the South, especially the dravidian parties that we have english so prominently in India hence giving us that great advantage in service industry around the world.

Thirdly, DMK and AIADMK have been voted back into power. This is despite what you say is bad politics. I am sure they are doing something right because unlike states like Bihar, they have achieved a lot.

Lastly, I am from UP. I would rather DMK run UP than the goons that have run UP since independence. If UP could be half of what TN is now, Indian economy would be better for it, due to the large population of my state.

Higher education, access to healthcare, etc, etc are great in TN.

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TN: Quota for Muslims, Christian