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by Srinivas on Sep 21, 2006 10:03 AM

I desperately want to share the optimism shown in the article but i somehow can't digest the text! Malegaon probably din't flare up as its an attack on muslims and most likely by mislims. So, they can't blame anyone else for that so easily (Thankfully).
Nobody disputed the united front the muslims put up against the british. That's an unneccasry reference here to cook up a story.
The talk about going against pakistan/ISI/any terrorist outfit is a totally different ball game. They share a common religion, which is of utmost importance to them. Now lets focus on that Mr. author. I am not sure what induced you into writing such an article, but it was indeed a valiant effort at asserting 'nationalist' credentials of the minorities. I am not doubting even that for the moment, it's just that your article is so aimless and misappropriately directed... i couldn't resist my comments

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Salaam Malegaon