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Good news FINALLY !
by Ashish on Sep 14, 2006 05:59 AM

Great news !! However, why is it taking India such a long time to reach the technological level that it has reached so far ? If the satellites (INSATs etc.) are really such a boon, where's the result. Just look at LalooLand(Bihar(highest illiteracy rate)) and even the talk of India shining and becoming a force to be reckoned with is rubbish talk if it doesnt help the common man, but only a few rich & corrupt politicians.

Look at the barbaric and uncivilized behaviour of the common man. One just has to travel abroad to any country beyond the Indian subcontinent and then you can see what a chaotic life Indians live. All you have to do is to see the areas outside the Indian International Airports and ones in other countries.

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'India can send craft to moon'