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US must have zero tolerance
by Dr.G.S.Shankar on Oct 26, 2006 11:37 PM

After 9/11, Bush administration came very hard on terrorism and sought global partners to fight the scurge. India joined the band wagon enthusiastically as it suffered most from terrorism in the world only after Israel, whereas, Pakistan has been coerced to join however reluctantly. Pakistan after joining the US band wagon against terrorism slowly started playing a double game. In one where US is concerned, Pakistan officially cooperated fully and where India and Afhganistan are concerned, they encouraged terrorism thru ISI. In my view American administraion has been aware from the begining but they followed the policy of constructive engagement, that reads as try to extract what you can and keep extracting slowly while giving goodies to Pakistan. Did it work ? I am not sure. India and Afghanistan are tired ot Pakistan's duplicity. Portraying itself as moderate Islamic state officially and in actuality sleeping with the taliban and al quiada thru ISI covertly. I think lately Bush administration has been given information of this duplicity and in fact I think Americans have been suspecting of it for long time. Now this fact is more clear with this news. What will Americans do now?

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'US must have zero tolerance'