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RE:Chiness Claim on Arunachal.
by Nanda on Nov 14, 2006 04:57 PM

Its very stupid on Indias part to keep on losing its territories, one after another.

India doesnt have any common sense and strategy to bulid relations with neibouring countries.

If Nepal suffers, if SriLanka suffer or if bangaldesh suffer or if Teibet suffer, it is really problem to indias integrity. But India has no sense to for see things.

If India had supported teibet, where is the question of china claiming arunachal pradesh.

china expands its borders while India, loses its border.

India Never bother to bring good goverance in Nepal, bangaldesh, pakistan, srilanka.
what happens is anti- india camps are grown in those soil.

India should not lose Arunachal, rather should try to integrate tebet with india

India should have buffer region.

See Russia is having a buffer region till ahfgan.
US is secured naturally by seas, even then it extends its influence till middle east.

India should also bring a government in pak,nepal,bangladesh,srilanka, butan, which would favour its interest.

India should respect its citizens and security of its citizens

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