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We have forgotten the past China hasn't
by Pradeep Saran on Nov 16, 2006 06:36 PM

We must act according to the need of the day. The government approach today should be to resolve all outstanding disputes with our neighbours. This cannot be done without a give and take policy. the government should not be worried about popular public opinion as in India this changes every minute. The map of India has already been defaced with the consent of our leaders at the time of transfer of power by the British.
The situations created by the foreign rulers intentionally or unintentionally led to everlasting problems with the Indian leaders.
The inability of the government to pursue a firm Foreign policy over the last few decades has weakened India's stakes.
It is therefore essential that we must declare our stand firmly on our borders and negotiate with both China and Pak to permanently resolve our border disputes and the problem of Kashmir.

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We've forgotten. China hasn't