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Quota strike hits health service
by arjun on May 15, 2006 06:49 PM

It is quite unjustice that IMA enter into the quota issue. The admission to the medical/engineering courses (govt. institutions) are strictly through entrance exam. Do you think the real OBC/SC/ST candidates are financially sound to go to the entrance coaching centres (if you deeply enquire about these coaching centres you can identify IMA members in this multi crore business centre)! think why our great leaders introduce reservation. it is because of the socially and economically backwardness of the people. even after 60 years they are still backward, even in the literate state kerala, why? you can't shut your eyes against them. you are politically motivated eventhough you are shouting that you people are not having any political attitude. don't repeat the trajedy we faced during VP Sing's rule. vande matheram.

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Quota strike hits health service