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Docs in the dock
by P. Ganesh on May 15, 2006 01:41 PM

I agree with the striking doctors only on one account. Indiscriminate reservation will help the cause of social justice beyond a point. However, I am totally against the doctors resorting to this kind of an action as it will hurt the image of the doctor at a time when the image is not exactly high. Also, their action will seriously hurt the interests of patients which the doctors are morally bound to protect at all costs including their own welfare. The duty of a doctor is several times more important than that of even a soldier or a teacher. To strike like this is gross dereliction of duty and deserves to be condomned roundly and without hesitation. Lest I am mistaken for an OBC or SC/ST, let me make it clear that I belong to the so-called forward caste. Nevertheless, I say, "Physician, first heal theyself."

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Quota strike hits health service