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To, Mr Advani
by Bijay on Mar 08, 2006 04:09 PM

Mr Advani,
I really admire your centiments for Hindu people. But don't you think "YOU" the Politicians are playing a trick with common man in the name of Hindu, If you are really want to do something then please visit family of the people who got killed in y'days incident. Please help them. I really don't think this Yatra is against "terrorism" rather it is against "Congress Govt". I'm a citizen of India who doesn't really bother about politics other than the budget session every year. I am a Hindu again but I'm against your this trick. Your Yatra and all these activitis will create riot and nothing will happen to you because you are so called big shot of this country. Again few people will die for communal riot. Stop doing all this. If you are really want to fight against terrorism come and have talk with people who are supposed to do this, about how to takeup.
Don't kill people in the name of Hinduism..Please.

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Advani to launch another yatra