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by shabana shaikh on Jun 15, 2006 09:15 PM

Firstly, all rich dalits are taking advantage of reservations.

Secondly, all dalits and OBC from reserved category have no love for India, they take advantage of reservations and all leave the country and migrate to USA or UK or Australia and make those countries richer.

Shame on them.

Not a single ST/SC/OBC candidate has gone back to his or her village and set up clinics to help the people of their village.

All reservations should be stopped immediately and if reservations are to be given, it should be given to economically back-ward ST/SC/OBC candidates with these students signing a bond that they will continue to serve in their state of origin for 5 years after they graduate from medic/engineering college, after all it is hard-earned Indians tax-payers money and not Arjun Singh's personal funds or Italian lady - Sonia Gandhi's money or Prime Minister's salary which is going to fund SC/ST/OBC candidates.

Stop this nonsense or Congress - get out and go back to Italy

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The above message is part of the Discussion Board:
Quota: Dalits have not benefited