I feel that the present system education, based on the British system of imparting classroom instructions,and rewarding scholastic merit is inherently biased against the SC/ST and the Dalits.Making reservations and enhancing quotas has not and will not benefit the Dalits in any way. These days it has become fashionable to "liberate" the temples from the clutches of the Brahmin priests and kind of throw open these opportunities to the Dalits.But are they " educated" for doing priestly duties and do they accept this profession willingly. When most Brahmins themselves do not wish to pursue this line what is the use of making reservations in this profession save seeking political mileage. More than the book oriented education the disadvantaged sections need a kind of education which will enhance employment that they can do better, faster, and bigger. It is man's imagination alone which creates new opportunity and the early adapters will always get the benefit. The tail enders or late adapters will not benefit from any reservation howsoever attractive it may seem.