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Dalits have not benifited.
by prashant on Jun 13, 2006 09:22 PM


Your subject says Dalit have not benifited. But when I read this column I didnt find anywhere that relates to your subject.
Second, I myself is an expample( not sure good or bad) of a person helped by reservation. I completed my Diploma in Mechanical engineering, B.E in Mechanican Engineering, M.Tech from IITB in Design Engineering and currently working in Michigan US for a fortune 500 Automotive company. If requreid I can present you hundered more expamples like me.

Yes, I agree that Dr. Ambedkar had reserved seats for 10 years. But how could you possible eradict a social worm called caste if there is no mechanism to implement the constitution in right manner. Why people still need reservation becuase the ruling class is still unfair in implementing the constitution which was written 50 years back.

I wish Dr. Ambedkar hadnt left us in 56. If he was alive even 10 more years, we would have seen different India. A buddhist India without any classes and castes.


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Quota: Dalits have not benefited