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by james barzini on Jul 12, 2006 11:50 AM

What surprises me is that there is no reaction from the Mullahs. The same mullahs who issued fatwa against singing 'Onde Mataram' are sitting smug about the bloody happenings. These terrorists even if they are outsiders could not have done without local support. If Muslims in India sit quiet, it is dangerous for the country. It is for them to hound out these dark sheep amidst them and hand them over to the law enforcing authorities. Otherwise innocent Muslims lose their life and credibility. If in their own interest, they do not cleanse themselves, they may be isolated and will be confined to ghettos and can not harness the fruits of economic progress of the country. Muslims should form vigilance groups and closely interact with law enforcing authorities. Only if they show concern and take stern measures against the miscreants, they can thwart terrorism and providing fodder to the communal elements. The responsibiity is on them

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Terrorists want communal riots