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RE:Lip sympathy
by Saibaskar on Jul 07, 2006 10:59 PM

From where does this dravidian nation theory come when we discuss deplorable action of a minister who is from tamil nadu.. I guess bad politicians are everywhere from Bihar to Tamil Nadu..

Tamil Nadu like any other state has contributed to the freedom struggle like all other states.. there have been several tamilians who died for this nation's freedom and most of them did not speak hindi, but they believed in the unseen thread that binds this nation.

India will become a better nation if we stop distrusting each other coz somebody speaks different language or looks different.

Your distrust will not take us away from India and we do not need you to grade our patriotism... Dravidian culture is a sub culture of the indian culture and it will remain so.

Fight real enemies of the nation rather than trying to distrust fellow indians just because we do not speak one of the Indian language which was elevated to be the national language by a wafer thin majority in the parliment

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Parl comm deplores ouster