Suddenly the Parliamentary committee is all out in various vieled statements on Dr.Venugopals removal.I have no idea what is the abilility of Ramadoss as a Doctor, besides ofcourse his HUGE ego.We can clearly see the future of ALL institutions where Govt has some role to play.And I do know it would make NO DIFFERENCE to ANY of the politicians, even the ones who are so called taking up cudgels on behalf,and against the issues.And please donot by pass the issue of Privatisation of Neyvelle as a separate matter. These are ALL linked and both issues have its roots in Tamil Nadu, and NOT to overlook the apology tendered by the Tamil tigers who killed Rajiv Gandhi either.These are ALL very serious matters and are directly and DIRTILY linked with each other.Mahatma Gandhi could throw out the Britishers, but who will throw out these people ... sad but true, the claim for a DRAVIDIAN COUNTRY is but on the anvil, which was there when India became independent.Am I wrong in this assumption ? I dont think so.