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Sack the Sick Minister
by Mohit Kumar on Jul 07, 2006 05:28 AM

It us an unfortunate development in the history of
Our country and in particular of AIIMS.

Mr Ramadoss who holds a degree in medicine but is not competent enough in his filed thats why he never
practised medicine.He just wants to establish his monopoly over AIIMS and a person of Dr Venugopal repute had to become victim of his personal ambition and aspiration.

An incapable person deciding the fate of a world renowned doctor.What an irony.He seems to be sick and
needs to be sacked.
Our honorable PM is worthless.He also has become a real politician of late who wants to hold to power
despite so much failure.

I feel sorry for the present state of affair in our country.

God Please save us from these sick souls.

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Venugopal hurt: Wife