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Bus falls into canal, 7 kids dead
by labrea on Aug 01, 2006 10:10 PM

Why is this news? Isn't this 'supposed' to happen? Bus drivers are not even required to know how to drive far less to know the laws and regulations, and worse yet, to abide by them. The concept of criminal culpapbility is totally alien to this nation, that's why no one cares to drive safely - they have nothing to fear from either the law or the injured party - there's no such thing as "Tort Laws" in this stinking land, and cops and magistrates can be easily bribed, so that's why people are so callous, uncaring and negligent, whether cops, doctors, lawyers, dentists, name it - because it's next to impossible for the aam aadmi to sue for damages, and that's why this nation will forever remain a fetid, stinking dung-heap of filth and squalor.

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Bus falls in canal, 7 kids dead