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Iran ;reluctant friend,active enemy
by p kumar on Sep 30, 2005 10:44 PM

Dear sir
Mr Natwar Singh's preoccupations with protecting a country that most of the world(including Indians)believe,is trying to make nuclear weapons,has gone beyond sanctions available to playing machiavellian politics in national interest and should be laid bare for Indians.Iran has helped Pakistan in all it's wars against India(far removed from the imbecile notion of schism on shia-sunni considerations).Iran has always voted against India on Pakistan's annual Kashmir resolution in OIC meetings.While Iran views medieval links with India as symbolised by Nadir shah's invasion(in which hundreds of thousands of Delhiites were slaughtered and thousands carried away to be sold in central asian slave markets),India(read politicians) call that cultural links.Iranian websites call themselves true Aryans and Indians as mixed race in a derogatory manner.When Saddam murdered shia religious leaders in early nineties,that was the only time Indian shia muslims felt wounded and expected some support from government which did nothing but on an issue(making atom bombs) where the opinion of shia muslims in India is invisible and merges with national opinion,Mr singh tries to materialise it.

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''India was our friend''