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by strysh4 on Sep 28, 2005 11:19 PM

Reminds us Indians of something very frequent. The Nehruvian Blunder.... The Congress, after inheriting the Bungling Nature of the Nehru is proving that it is a step ahead of Mr. Jawaharlal.

We have created enemies and ill-wishers out of our neighbours. And we get nothing out of it. At least the US gets handsome returns in terms of oil and other stuff like Weapon deals etc. What do we get in return... Hostility of neigbours? Loss of territory, loss of our precious Soldiers, loss of face... everything including self-esteem. And who loses? People of India, who work hard, pay taxes, are known as the people of a soft state. And we want friends like Nepal, who are outright enemies of India and a playground for Pakistan and China.

Are we not ashamed of ourself? Show me one friendly neighbour... Nepal, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, China, Pakistan, Afghanistan (have a peek into its real nature under its friendliness with India... visit POK and Kashmir). In short, we are a bunch of losers alround.

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''India was our friend''