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a very sad state
by Ramakrishna on Oct 21, 2005 04:14 PM

It is an unpleasant fact that Bangalore is literally on the oxygen cylinder. It is, indeed, a nerve wracking experience for anybody, be it a common man or a VIP. A Bangalorean will not pass a day without cursing this sad state of affairs.
Whom is to be blamed ? These politicians of all hue and color !!! After Ramakrishna Hegde, Karnataka politics has further degraded and the present crop is fit for the trash can only.
But I still feel this is only one part of the story. The Karnataka IT industry should have been more pragmatic in its approach on IT sector. They have opted for a senseless and unbridled approach on the IT industry sector growth. When the city cannot sustain this kind of growth which they can easily assess they should have opted for other cities like Hyderabad or Chennai. Instead it was this mad myth of "it has to be Bangalore only" that has brought my beloved city to this sad state.
Enough is enough. Do not exert any more pressure on its infrastructure. It cannot take it anymore, for sure.
The best you can expect from these politicians is do more damage. The least is let them do nothing. Let better sense prevail on IT captains /Managers etc.,

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The decline of Bangalore