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Sends a chill down the spine!
by Prashanth on Oct 21, 2005 02:48 PM

There was nothing new for me, a Bangalorean, in the most of this article. After all, I've been just another witness to the mayhem called Bangalore. Day in and day out, I helplessly look at the way Bangalore is crumbling.
But what struck me the most was the last few lines in the article. That Bihar was one of the top 3 best administered state in India!! Just imagine that heppening to Karnataka, which hitherto has been the pride of South India. The thought sends a chill down the spine! And worse, one can imagine this happening with the lack of a capable leader and a few destructive forces like Deve Gowda. Well, it's not just our Ex PM who is playing the spoil sport. What our state leaders(!) are engaged in is no different a game. Who will save us?

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The decline of Bangalore