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Right to information - just another right
by Sharath on Oct 20, 2005 04:41 PM

Right to information act is just another right. It may not bring great change to the way the corruption happens. Yes, one gets to know the how the public money is spent and it stops there.

We have seen many allegations against many politians (all the scams). All are back ruling again. Money eaten is eaten we cant get back single paisa to the government account. For example Volkswagon there any accountability for all this..who will question..even if someone questions..he/she will have to face the brutality of the politicians.

Yes, media may benefit as it will get chunks of data to publish and report..but it will be just an information, that such and such thing has happened and it will continue to happen differently or same way at some part of India.. and we will be bombarded with more such news items..good for media and journalism..if only it cares for the good of a common man..

This act has come to solve the corruption problem..may be a step towards it..let us wait and see how this will benefit the society at large.

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Information is your right!