Well, Mr.Ganguly, you have said correctly. My request is how the Kerala marxists are different from their W/Bengal friends. Here they oppose ADB loans to the govt. They oppose closure of loss making public sector industries. They oppose every attempt to bring in foreign capital for more industrialisation. Kindly explain. Thousands of hectres of agricultural land is remaining fallow because of the militant agricultural labour. Many small and medium industrial units are shifting from Kerala to neighbouring countries, because of labour problems. Our leftist friends are no less in corrupt practices. Everything was not perfect in their Lavlin canadian deal. They just are engaged in group fighting giving juicy materials for the media to fill their headlines and nothing practical happens. Now great influx of labour from Bihar, Orissa, and even W/Bengal our jobs are being carried out in the labour intensive units. Even Bangladesi labour is seen in construction sites.
Why not teach our Kerala marxists be taught a lesson or two?