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america captured by paki general
by vikas punia on Mar 29, 2005 02:41 PM

sir,...if pak gets any number of F-16 fighters,,or even advance than that....we should not worry at all,,,i would like to draw ur attention long back in 60s and 70s,,,that time america was having nuke submarines and a good pretty fleets of war ships...and that time india was not having even good roads, telephone,electricity and many more basic things,,,,......and just think of today,,,,, india is a prousprous country with lots of self respect and a sence of security....what america has today only fear and ofear a sence of insecurity in mind of every american"americans are not getting sleep properly , because they are guilty mind nation" ,,why?????...america is resposible for this.... so if i am able to convince you about the fact that,,,the peace does not lie in advance weaponary but it lies with healthy mind leadership... we should not worry about f-16 supply to pak...pak is well known about our capabilities in case of any war...we should leave america as discarded because america is pretty engaged with muslim brothers across sting policies....and if allah is there america will not survive longer,,,,pak general is very smart and using america nicely.god bless america &pak

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